In the bustling city of Jos, the journey of PATRIS has been an emblematic story of hope, dedication, and transformative change. The organization, rooted in a mission to empower, has crafted a legacy that resonates with the countless lives it has touched. The dawn of PATRIS’s educational initiatives illuminated the path for countless children. The Kingdom Citizens’ International School became a beacon of affordable yet quality elementary education. Since its establishment, it has witnessed the triumphant strides of over 100 children who have transitioned into high school, breaking the chains of socio-economic barriers. Not far behind, the Kingdom Citizens’ College, inaugurated in 2012, has been nurturing young minds, guiding over 70 aspirational teenagers into higher realms of education.

August 2022 marked another groundbreaking venture when the Reading Clinic came to life. Targeted at the illiterate children and teenagers of Jos, especially those in Jenta Ande and Jenta Mangoro, this initiative diagnosed the educational needs of its attendees and crafted a tailored program. Out of the 25 initial attendees, 22 found their gateway to literacy and basic arithmetic skills, leaving the program with hope and dreams in their hearts. The spirit of empowerment didn’t halt at education. The Women SME Development Fund threw a financial lifeline to women entrepreneurs in Jenta. 10 women, including Titi Yakubu and Helen Okoh, felt the winds of change as they received soft loans, catalyzing their smallscale businesses. Further amplifying this impact, the donation of an autorickshaw to a local man created waves of economic empowerment, illustrating PATRIS’s dedication to sustainable change. In the media sphere, “Answers With Dr Reju” (AWDR) emerged as a voice of the people. Through radio waves, it ignited a spirit of patriotism, emphasized human rights, and advocated for transparent governance. The winds of 2021 brought challenges with the END SARS protests, but PATRIS, in collaboration with the Whitefield Foundation, rose to the occasion. Their joint initiative provided crucial medical assistance to those injured, ensuring their swift recovery.

Furthermore, the Excellent Performance Support Scheme (EPSS) shone as a stellar program, granting full educational scholarships from primary to secondary levels to 25 deserving children. Parallelly, health outreaches in Jenta emphasized community well-being, offering free testing, treatments, and indispensable health talks. Today, as we recount the achievements of PATRIS, its success story is evident not just in its milestones but in the smiles of those it has empowered, the hopes it has ignited, and the communities it has transformed.

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