About Us

Patris Empowerment Initiative (PATRIS) is an
independent non-profit dedicated to improving the
quality of life outcomes for individuals through sociopolitical and economic interventions. Through an
intersectional approach that acknowledges the diverse
experiences of people, PATRIS understands the intricate
interplay of identity, class, gender, and socio-economic
dynamics and how these impact the well-being of
children, youth and the communities we support. Our
unwavering dedication is to elevate the living standards
of individuals, driving transformative change for the

Our foundation is built upon the pillars of empowerment, sustainable investment, and visionary leadership .Through these, PATRIS positions itself as a vanguard of hope towards a harmonious socio-political development  and widespread prosperity, ensuring that no voice goes unheard and no challenge goes unaddressed. Functional Education is a cornerstone of our mission. We ardently champion access to high quality and affordable education, placing a spotlight on vulnerable communities and those sidelined from the traditional educational system. The Kingdom Citizens’ International School (KCIS) and the Kingdom Citizens’ College (KCC) are testaments to this commitment, offering premier yet affordable education to youth in Jos, Nigeria.

In furtherance to our commitment to functional education, we discern the  latent potential in every individual, understanding that barriers differ based on personal and social intersections. Our initiatives span skill and leadership development, entrepreneurial enhancement, business development, and community-driven initiatives, all aimed at catalyzing  socio• economic vibrancy and autonomy within the communities we serve.  At  PATRIS, we are driven by a vision of a society where citizens, equipped with an understanding of their unique identities and intersections, are not merely onlookers but dynamic catalysts for social change. By instilling core values of patriotism, integrity, and accountability, we shape individuals into proactive citizens – empowered to engage, challenge, and hold their  leaders and governmental entities accountable.

Our Vision

A Nigeria where leadership thrives on service, where youths are empowered through quality education, and where socio-economic progress is a shared journey, all built on an unwavering foundation of integrity.

Our Mission

PATRIS is committed to leadership development and improved development outcomes for youths, organizations and citizens. Our mission is to empower individuals to become responsible citizens.

Our Values

Socio-economic Relevance
Community and collective Action

Our History

Dr Dotun Reju

Between 2009-2012, while studying in the U.S., Dr. Oladotun Reju realized that Nigerians were deeply loyal to their ethnic groups, but not to the nation itself. This observation drove him to explore the essence of ``patriotism``, leading to his discovery of the term ``PATRIS``, rooted in ``PATRIOTS``. Determined to ignite a spirit of patriotism among Nigerians and foster responsible citizenship, Dr. Reju, with a group of visionaries, formed PATRIS. Their motto, ``Promoting Responsible Citizenship and Accountable Governance, `` guided their initiatives which started with community outreach programs like breakfast meetings and annual youth summits. One memorable outreach saw youths replacing tattered Nigerian national flags throughout Jos, symbolizing respect and love for the country.

Originally called ``PATRIS INITIATIVE``, the organization had to be renamed ``PATRIS EMPOWERMENT INITIATIVE`` in 2012 for incorporation purposes. The maiden program of PATRIS was the Excellent Performance Support Scheme (EPSS), which offered scholarships to underprivileged children, including teen mothers from Jenta community, a slum in the city of Jos, Nigeria. The team also introduced annual festive donations, ensuring everyone could celebrate Christmas regardless of their financial circumstances.

Team members wore their commitment to PATRIS's values literally on their sleeves (or their cars) – a PATRIS sticker symbolized the driver's commitment to obey traffic rules and maintain their vehicle's documentation. As the initiative grew, partnerships, like the one with Grand Cereal for the ``Answers with Doctor Reju`` YouTube series, amplified their reach. PATRIS soon became the overarching body for other organizations, including Kingdom Citizens’ Pavilion (KCP), Kingdom Citizens’ International College (KCIS), and the Centre for Transformational Leadership (CTL). Each organization under PATRIS's umbrella serves a unique socio-political or economic purpose. Today, while still committed to its foundational goals of promoting patriotism and assisting the vulnerable, PATRIS emphasizes training the next generation of leaders for national transformation.


Our Funding

Our current funding strategy encompasses various sources. This multifaceted funding approach ensures the continuity and expansion of our work and includes the following:

Donor funded

  • Corporate Social  Responsibility (CSR)  Partnerships: Collaborative alliances with corporate entities underscore our commitment to  shared values and mutual objectives.
  • Government Partnerships:  By liaising with governmental bodies, we reinforce our alignment with national and regional developmental goals.
  • Individual Donations: The contributions from individuals play a pivotal role, attesting to the widespread belief in our cause.
  • Grants: We actively seek and procure grants which provide substantial support to specific projects and initiatives.

Internal funding

  • Tuition Fees: Through our highly subsidized fee structure, we ensure children and young adults have access to quality and affordable education.
  • Trustees  provides  not  only technical guidance but also financial backing, signaling their unwavering belief in our mission
  • Profits from Professional Services and Product Sales: The revenues generated from consultancy services are reinvested into PATRIS, supporting  our ongoing development initiatives.

Students Enrolled in KCC from Inception


KCIS Students Enrolled from Inception




Students Graduated by KCC

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